Post-doc position in Fluid flows shaping morphology

The Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization at Göttingen, Germany, is an international research institute. It performs both experimental and theoretical fundamental scientific research and currently employs about 300 people.

Project: We are looking for excellent, highly motivated early-career researchers to join our research team. We offer a highly international, interdisciplinary and collaborative environment in exceptional research setting. Our interdisciplinary group combines experimental and theoretical methods to investigate how an organism grows to form a desired structure and pattern. Understanding the morphogenesis of an organism, the collective selforganization of cells that gives rise to a functional structure is at the heart of decoding life. We aim to identify the rules of development by studying the physical principles underlying the formation and adaption of biological organisms. Currently we focus on the question of how fluid flows transport and store mechanical and chemical signals and thereby enable decision and development of a living system. Our experimental model system is the network-forming ‘smart’ slime mold Physarum polycephalum. The organism is renowned for its complex behavior despite its simple make-up rendering it an intriguing model system. The candidate will have considerable freedom to shape his/her own research and possibly do theoretical work.

Your profile The postdoctoral candidate should hold a PhD degree in experimental physics or biology. The ideal candidate should have experience with biological systems and quantitative data analysis. Fluency in English and programming experiences are essential as is the desire to immerse in interdisciplinary research.

To apply, please follow this link with the reference no MPIDS-W024: s_w024.nsf/ application and submit a CV, a motivation letter, a list of publications and contacts of two references. Applications received before 15th of November 2018 will be given full consideration. Written applications will not be sent back.

Please contact Dr. Karen Alim [email protected]

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