Theoretical physics, theory in soft matter, computer simulations Objectives In many cases the properties of cell membranes are modified through biopolymers and small solute molecules such as
Experimental methods and characterisation techniques Description We have previously demonstrated that certain combinations of lipids within a liposome formulation enable the highly effective delivery
Experimental methods and characterisation techniques in cell preservation and biostabilisation Objectives Evaluate how size, shape and physical nature (net charge, pH responsiveness and nanoparticle
Impact of membrane lytic biopolymers on skin lipid membranes Contact Radka Petkova Objectives Exploration of the possibilities in obtaining of end product and involvement of the
In-vitro experiments on living cells, toxicology studies Contact Andre Dias Objectives The goal is to compare and validate the synthetic lipid models to biologically relevant cell types and to
In-vitro experiments on living cells, toxicology studies Contact Anna Orlowska Objectives Main objective is to compare, validate and corroborate the findings of the interaction of the nano-objects
Investigation of membrane associating polymers, therapeutic nanoparticles and cell preservation experiments Biotechnology and and bioengineering, experimental Contact Alex Chen Objectives A safe
Supported bilayers and vesicles Objectives The intention of this project is to obtain experimental information and feedback for system improvement of nano-objects interacting with model membranes