
Development and mechanistic characterisation of membrane-active anticancer peptides

Organisms are well known to produce their own antibiotic host-defence peptides that act through damaging bacterial membranes due to their different molecular composition compared to the host

Frustrated self-assembly, theoretical descriptions of the cytoskeleton, protein-membrane interactions

PhD and postdoctoral openingsat CNRS’ LPTMS lab in Orsay (Paris area). The postdoc will have the opportunity to work on frustrated self-assembly, theoretical descriptions of the cytoskeleton,

Variable resolution algorithms for macromolecular simulations

TwoPhD positions are available in the framework of the ERC StG project VARIAMOLS – Variable resolution algorithms for macromolecular simulations. The successful candidates will work on the

Microfluidic flow of biomimetic tissues

The University of Montpellier offers three PhD grants to carry on a PhD in Physics in the Laboratory of Charles Coulomb (L2C), starting on October 2018 and for a duration of three years. Project

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