
Bacterial attachment on sub-nanometrically smooth titanium substrata

Biofouling, 29 (2), 163-170 (2013) H.K. Webb, V. Boshkovikj, C.J. Fluke, V.K. Truong, J. Hasan, V.A. Baulin, R. Lapovok, Y. Estrin, R.J. Crawford and E.P. Ivanova Despite the volume of work that has

Differential attraction and repulsion of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa on molecularly smooth titanium films

[button href="http://www.nature.com/srep/2011/111122/srep00165/full/srep00165.html" color="lime_green" target="_blank" id=""]PDF[/button] E. Ivanova, V. Khanh Truong , H. Webb , V.A. Baulin, J. Wang ,