Polymer synthesis and characterization, ESPCI Paris


L’École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris (ESPCI Paris; https://www.espci.fr/en/) is both a “Grande École d’ingénieurs” and a research institute (17 laboratories) of international reputation with a strong culture of scientific excellence. Teaching and research are at the crossroads of knowledge and know-how in physics, chemistry and biology.


Teaching will be carried out as part of the Inorganic Chemistry and Materials course. This class aims to present the fundamental concepts of inorganic chemistry, relying on the optical and electronic properties of materials and associated applications. The lecturer will participate in practical work, tutorials and preceptorship, notably in coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, materials (composites, hybrid materials, sol-gels …) and properties / applications (photography, luminescence, lasers). As a result, extensive knowledge of physico-chemistry is desirable.


The research will be carried out in the Soft Matter and Chemistry Laboratory of ESPCI Paris (http://www.mmc.espci.fr/). This laboratory is known for conducting fundamental research inspired by and oriented towards industrial applications. The laboratory focuses on the design, synthesis and study of polymeric and composite materials organized at different scales. The laboratory wishes to consolidate its activities on the synthesis of crosslinked and/or structured materials by reactive processing. The research project will aim to develop innovative approaches to functionalize polymers in order to introduce dynamic covalent bonds in polymer matrices, then to study the specific properties of these materials. Therefore, reactive additives will be synthesized, dynamic reactions will be studied at the molecular level (NMR, GC, UV/Vis…) and in polymer materials (creep, stress relaxation, processability…). The targeted applications include vitrimers, self-repairing and/or recyclable materials as well as structured materials.

Hierarchical environment The research will be carried out in the Soft Matter and Chemistry Laboratory of ESPCI Paris under the supervision of Prof. R. Nicolaÿ.

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Written by Vladimir Baulin
<p>Expertise is computer simulations and theory of soft matter systems. Research is focused on the topics in the theory of Soft matter, polymer physics.</p>