Theoretical problems in the areas of soft and living matter

Prof. Eleni Katifori in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, is looking for a post-doctoral associate to work on theoretical problems in the areas of soft and living matter. The projects will involve the statistical physics of complex networks.
The successful candidate will join the soft matter theory group at Penn, a highly vibrant and collaborative community of faculty, post-docs and PhD students, and is encouraged to collaborate with any of the faculty members in the group, which also includes Andrea Liu, Randy Kamien, as well as with experimentalists.
More information about the Katifori group can be found on the webpage or by emailing the address listed below.
Post-doctoral applicants should have a theoretical background in complex systems, soft matter, statistical mechanics, biophysics or related subjects. Prior programming knowledge is a plus, but not required. A good working knowledge of English is necessary.
The appointment will be for one year with the possibility of extension to two or more years.
The University of Pennsylvania is committed to employing more underrepresented individuals and especially encourages them to apply.
To apply, please send a CV including a publication list and statement of interests, and have 2-3 reference letters sent directly to the email listed below. Your statement of interests should be two pages or shorter and should describe your past and current research interests and why you are interested in this position. Only electronic applications will be considered. The position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. You may send inquiries and/or your applications as soon as possible via email to: [email protected]
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