General topic postdoc positions at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice has been awarded a Marie Curie Cofund program, called Global@Venice, that will allow 15 young and talented post-docs to work with us for 2 years with competitive Marie-Curie salaries.

The Global@Venice Programme has an innovation ecosystem of 28 strategic partners, including spin-off companies, SMEs, large companies & research organisations, where the Fellows will have the opportunity to do secondments or training activities.

Eligibility criteria are

  • Be in possession of a PhD degree awarded not later than 8 years prior to this call deadline.
  • Have at least one major publication without their PhD supervisor (either accepted, in press or published) at the time of deadline.
  • Have not resided or carried out their main activity in Italy for longer than 12 months during the 3 years prior to the call deadline, in compliance with the MSCA mobility rule.

Now the first call for proposals is now open at the link below

The number of offered fellowships in this call is 8 and the selection procedure will be Marie Curie-like with two important differences

  1. High priority will be given to cross-disciplinary proposals that fall in one of the 6 global challenges topic defined by our University

  1. The final selection will be assessed though a direct interview of a short list of candidates that will be managed by a Selection Board.

To properly choose the profile and the topic to work, please contact Dr. Achille Giacometti, [email protected]

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