23-24 March 2018. Management meeting in Ischia island, Naples, Italy Agenda: Venue: Meeting will be held in Hotel “Le Querce”, Via Baldassarre Cossa, 55 – Ischia, ITALY Attending
30 September 2016. Management meeting in Salou, Spain Agenda: Venue: Meeting will be held in Hotel Magnolia Salou, Carrer de Madrid, 8, 43840 Salou, Tarragona Attending people: Vladimir Baulin (URV,
11-12 April 2016. Management meeting and mid-term review Agenda: Venue: Meeting will be held at Leibniz Institute for Polymer Research Dresden Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. Hohe
22 October 2015. Management meeting in Salou, Spain Agenda: Venue: Meeting will be held in Hotel Magnolia Salou, Carrer de Madrid, 8, 43840 Salou, Tarragona Attending people: Vladimir Baulin (URV,
11 April 2015. Management meeting in Manchester University, UK Timetable: Venue: Meeting will be held in : School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, UK Schuster building, Oxford Rd,
1-2 October 2014. Management meeting in Cambridge University, UK Agenda: Venue: Meeting will be held in Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology: Pembroke Street Cambridge CB23RA 1-2
31 May – 3 June 2014. Kick-off meeting of the ITN project SNAL and 3nd Workshop on biomaterials and their interactions with biological and model membranes 2014 will be held at the hotel