
Mechano-bactericidal mechanism of graphene nanomaterials

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Study of melanin localization in the mature male Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis damselfly wings

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Pheochromocytoma (PC12) Cell Response on Mechanobactericidal Titanium Surfaces

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Nanomaterial interactions with biomembranes: Bridging the gap between soft matter models and biological context

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Subtle Variations in Surface Properties of Black Silicon Surfaces Influence the Degree of Bactericidal Efficiency

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The Effect of Coatings and Nerve Growth Factor on Attachment and Differentiation of Pheochromocytoma Cells

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Bactericidal activity of self-assembled palmitic and stearic fatty acid crystals on highly ordered pyrolytic graphite

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Apatite nanoparticles strongly improve red blood cell cryopreservation by mediating trehalose delivery via enhanced membrane permeation

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GPU implementation of the Rosenbluth generation method for static Monte Carlo simulations

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