Nature Comm., 4, 2838 (2013) E. P. Ivanova, J. Hasan, H. K. Webb, G. Gervinskas, S. Juodkazis, Vi K. Truong, A. H. F. Wu, R. N. Lamb, V. A. Baulin, G. S. Watson, J. A. Watson, D. E. Mainwaring, R. J
This is the first reported example of a naturally existing surface with a physical structure that exhibits such effective bactericidal properties. Cicada wing nanopillars are extremely effective at
Biofouling, 29 (2), 163-170 (2013) H.K. Webb, V. Boshkovikj, C.J. Fluke, V.K. Truong, J. Hasan, V.A. Baulin, R. Lapovok, Y. Estrin, R.J. Crawford and E.P. Ivanova Despite the volume of work that has
[button href="" color="lime_green" target="_blank" id=""]PDF[/button] Elena P. Ivanova, Jafar Hasan, Hayden K. Webb, Vi Khanh Truong, Gregory S. Watson, Jolanta
Many surfaces found in nature possess sophisticated topographical structures which provide them with exceptional properties. Nano-structured surface of lotus leafs efficiently repel water, microscopic
[button href="" color="lime_green" target="_blank" id=""]PDF[/button] E. Ivanova, V. Khanh Truong , H. Webb , V.A. Baulin, J. Wang ,