We are looking for postdocs with expertise in biology, physics, mathematics, or engineering. Opportunities span experimental, computational, and theoretical projects centered around quantitative
We have an open PDRA position (fully funded, four years) on biocompatible stimuli-responsive polymer/colloid mixtures at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides in Orsay, France funded by the European
The proposed PhD project takes on a radical new path towards the study of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), which will open novel avenues for the development of breakthrough drugs with high-therapeutic
OBJECTIVES The project is based on a recent publications showing the importance of membrane tension for interaction of nanoparticles with cells1–3. Deformation of cells and compression of lipid
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice has been awarded a Marie Curie Cofund program, called Global@Venice, that will allow 15 young and talented post-docs to work with us for 2 years with competitive
The project Mutations in chromatin regulators can lead to multiple pathological conditions which are commonly referred as chromatinopathies (CPs). The project –funded by Telethon Foundation- is
The Centre for Doctoral Training in Biological Physics Across Scales (BiPAS) at King’s College London (https://www.kcl.ac.uk/nms/research/bipas-cdt ) is currently recruiting for 7 PhD
This project is part of RMIT University node under the Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research (ACEBR), which is a Centre of Excellence funded by the National Health and Medical
This project is focused on studying the diversity of microorganisms living in the Mediterranean sea: fungi, bacterias and algae. Requirements: Master degree in biology, biochemistry, biotechnology