
Postdoc: q-bio of cellular information processing

We are looking for postdocs with expertise in biology, physics, mathematics, or engineering. Opportunities span experimental, computational, and theoretical projects centered around quantitative

Postdoc on modelling complex colloidal mixtures for use in bionic muscle engineering (Paris-Saclay, France)

We have an open PDRA position (fully funded, four years) on biocompatible stimuli-responsive polymer/colloid mixtures at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides in Orsay, France funded by the European

Postdoc: Theoretical modeling of nanoparticles interacting with cells

OBJECTIVES The project is based on a recent publications showing the importance of membrane tension for interaction of nanoparticles with cells1–3. Deformation of cells and compression of lipid

General topic postdoc positions at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice has been awarded a Marie Curie Cofund program, called Global@Venice, that will allow 15 young and talented post-docs to work with us for 2 years with competitive

Postdoc position: Shape, shear, search mathematical models of bacteria

We are seeking a post-doctoral researcher to work on an EPSRC-funded project to develop an integrated mathematical model to explore the early stages of bacterial biofilm formation. You will be working

Ph.D and postdoc positions in theoretical-computational membrane biophysics

Fully funded Ph.D and postdoctoral positions in the area of membrane biophysics are available in my research group at Ben Gurion University, Israel. Our group applies analytical and computational

Postdoctoral position in Biological Physics

The BioModeling, BioInformatics & BioProcesses lab of the Free University of Brussels (ULB) invites applications for a postdoctoral research position in the field of biological physics.  The

Postdoc position: simulation and modelling of shear-thickening suspensions in Université Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, France

We have an opening for a 18-month postdoctoral researcher, starting from February 2019, to work on the simulation and modelling of shear-thickening suspensions in Université Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble,

Postdoc position: uncovering mathematical descriptions for use in the Japanese art of paper cutting at Aarhus Denmark

Applications are invited for a 2 year (1+1) postdoctoral position with a background in theoretical and computational mechanics, soft condensed matter physics, or Applied Mathematics. This project

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