
Publications in soft matter

Natural Bactericidal Surfaces: Mechanical Rupture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Cells by Cicada Wings

[button href="" color="lime_green" target="_blank" id=""]PDF[/button] Elena P. Ivanova, Jafar Hasan, Hayden K. Webb, Vi Khanh Truong, Gregory S. Watson, Jolanta

Self-assembly of spherical interpolyelectrolyte complexes from oppositely charged polymers

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Critical adsorption controls translocation of polymer chain through lipid bilayers and permeation of solvent

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Degradation versus self-assembly of block copolymer micelles

A. Muratov and V. A. Baulin Langmuir, 28, 3071-3076 (2012) The stability of micelles self-assembled from block co-polymers can be altered by the degradation of the blocks. Slow degradation shifts the

Biomolecule Surface Patterning May Enhance Membrane Association

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Differential attraction and repulsion of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa on molecularly smooth titanium films

[button href="" color="lime_green" target="_blank" id=""]PDF[/button] E. Ivanova, V. Khanh Truong , H. Webb , V.A. Baulin, J. Wang ,

Coupled concentration polarization and electroosmotic circulation near micro/nanointerfaces: Taylor–Aris model of hydrodynamic dispersion and limits of its applicability

[button href="" color="lime_green" target="_blank" id=""]PDF[/button] A. Yaroshchuk, E. Zholkovskiy, S. Pogodin and V.A. Baulin Langmuir, 27(18),

Equilibrium insertion of nanoscale objects into phospholipid bilayers

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Accurate critical micelle concentrations from a single chain mean field theory

[button href="" color="lime_green" target="_blank" id=""]PDF[/button] A. Gezae Daful, V.A. Baulin, J. Bonet i Avalos and A.D. Mackie J. Phys. Chem. B, 115,